Photo Projects - Intro
The galleries for these projects are updated sporadically....
What I am shooting now
More or less mirroring my Instagram feed...
2015 - ? Bicycles
I sometimes think that the bicycle is one of the greatest inventions of all time. In many parts of the world, bicycles are a major form of transportation; in others areas, they are also a chief form of recreation.
2012 to ? - People at Work
...chronicling the many ways that people make their livelihoods and pursue their hobbies...
Signs, Signs, Everywhere Signs...
As I travel the world, and wander around at home, I see all these signs around me. Some are serious, some are informational, some are funny and some are just totally incomprehensible...
2014 to ? - Museum People
Sometimes, the people at the museum are just as interesting as the exhibits...
2014 - ? Spying from Starbucks...or Coffee Shop Candids
Recently, in addition to coffee shop photos, I started to also include photos taken in restaurants and brew pubs...but, since I like the alliterations in the original title, I have decided to not change the name.